Sunday, July 22, 2007

Apology in advance

I just need to say this now so that everyone will understand, but I do have a problem with being a regular poster. I can't keep up with it and at times I might go months without a single post. So forewarning you now, if you don't see me, don't worry about me. I'm fine. I've just gotten busy or just haven't felt like posting anything, so please don't worry about it.

On other news, I'm excited to be doing MS/HS camp next week up near Gainesville. It should be a lot of fun and I hope that the students enjoy it (since the whole camp was planned out by adults with no student involvement). In fact, all the students know about the camp is that the theme is "Consume." Well as long as nothing is said, I'll let you in on a little secret, the camp theme is going to focus on TV shows. Yep, how we are consumed by TV shows and tying that into how we are to be consumed by and with God.

I'll have to admit, I am consumed by shows, some of them very worthy of lots of involvement, such as 24 or Lost, others which are just stupid and I'm still trying to figure out why I'm watching it, such as Hannah Montana (can someone please try and explain this one to me).

Its amazing how there are people that are so consumed by the shows that are on TV right now and when we see what new shows are starting to pop up, we see a new generation of Game and Reality TV shows. Some of them are interesting, I have to admit, I'm not always smarter than a 5th Grader but give me a break I've been out of school for almost 4 years now and I didn't even take American History in school, but what is up with the new one about knowing song lyrics?

Anyways, camp looks like it should be fun, and I can't wait to get to know the students more, although I do wish I had gotten the devotionals earlier so that I could better prepare. I don't like reading it at the same time and then leading the discussion group because I never feel prepared (like today when I haven't read my lesson for tomorrow, oh well, I'll do it in the morning).

Post more later (hopefully after camp)

1 comment:

Andrew Groves said...

Pensieve? What does that mean exactly? I looked in a dictionary but could only find... pensive (which is an adjective). Just wondering...